Jhirna Forest Zone

Go and discover your inner relationship with the wildlife

Corbett National Park Safari Safari and Night Stay Online Booking

Jhirna Zone is one of the popular zones among the six ecotourism zones in the Corbett Jungle Tours. The Corbett Jungle Tours is divided into the six tourism zone among which Jhirna zone is added much later in 1994. In order to extend the Tiger reserve zone, the farming lands of the Jhirna village and other two villages were included in the reserve territory and the villages were relocated at some other place nearby. And then, the land was redeveloped and turned into an exotic lush forest. Due to being operational throughout the year for the wildlife safari in contrary of other zones which are closed during the monsoon season (except the Dhela zone), the Jhirna zone witnesses much footfalls all-round the year.

Quick Facts about the Jhirna Tourism Zone :

  • Entry Gate: Dhela Gate
  • Distance from Ramnagar: 15 km
  • Open and Closed Period:
  • Open throughout the year (subject to road and weather condition)
  • Safari Offered: Day Jeep Safari
  • Maximum Number of Safari Jeep: 30 Jeeps per Shift (2 Shift in a day)
  • Forest Rest House: Jhirna FRH)
  • Exploration Time: 03 hours 30 min

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Marks and devious Semikoli but the Little Blind Text didn’t listen. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way.