Corbett Landscape Forest Zone

Go and discover your inner relationship with the wildlife

Corbett National Park Safari Safari and Night Stay Online Booking

Corbett Landscape is a hard forest area, The part of Tiger Reserve, The area is favorite spot for tourist walking and is popular in the Hindu epic, named Ramayana. As the myth goes, goddess Sita, wife of Lord Rama spent some days of her exile in Corbett Landscape. The entire place is protected and maintained by Archaeological Survey of India (ASI). Besides the beautiful Animals, birds, Corbett Landscape is indeed fabulous spot and natural habitat for tigers, elephants, deer, sambars, barking deer, porcupines, and king cobras. The place is indeed the paradise for bird watchers and there is an ashram where tourists can take the rest for a while

Prohibitions in Landscape

Alcohol and non-vegetarian food not allowed. All your personal and non-biodegradable remains like tin cans, plastic, glass bottles, metal foils etc. should be put into a carry bag and you should dispose it off after you finish the tour. This is to keep the Corbett Jungle Tours climes and animals safe. Tourists should check out the timings of the Jhirna Jeep safari as these keep changing during the summer and the winter.

Make a Note

Maximum 6 persons are allowed in a Gypsy
Child below 5 years will be complimentary

Safari Includes: entries, road tax, guide fee and gypsy charges.

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Marks and devious Semikoli but the Little Blind Text didn’t listen. She packed her seven versalia, put her initial into the belt and made herself on the way.