Jeep Safari

Go and discover your inner relationship with the wildlife

Corbett Jeep Safari Tariff

Price (Indian) INR 5500 / Jeep ( Maximum 6 Persons are allowed in ONE Jeep )
Price (Foreigner) INR 9500 / Jeep ( Maximum 6 Persons are allowed in ONE Jeep )
Zones Bijrani, Jhirna, Dhela, Durgadevi & Corbett Landscape
Timings 06:30 am to 10:30 am & 01:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Inclusion Permission of CTR, Jeep, Driver, Permit and All Entries & Taxes.

* Guide Fee to be paid by the guest on the spot directly.
* Pick & drop is not included from hotels.

Jeep Safari in Corbett National Park

JIM CORBETT ONLINE’S – Four Wheel Drive Open Jeep Safaris to the BIJRANI – JHIRNA – DHELA – DURGADEVI -CORBETT LANDSCAPE – ALL DAY VISIT ZONES of Corbett Tiger Reserve offer the visitor a memorable experience to view Wildlife & Avi Fauna in its unspoilt natural habitat. With our fleet of the latest Maruti Suzuki Gypsys all vehicles have operational 4 Wheel Drive and are Bharat Stage 3 compliant as per the Corbett Jungle Tours pollution norms policy. These open top off road vehicles are best suited for the rugged terrain of Corbett Jungle Tours with our professional & experienced wildlife trained drivers and the knowledgeable Park Nature Guides, who accompany you for these Trips are well versed with day to day changes of wildlife movement, ensure that your Jeep Safari experience is beyond what you have imagined. We request the visitor to undertake our Jeep safaris with an open mind, enjoy and appreciate everything that comes your way – the jigsaw puzzle will fall in place – if you are destined to see a Tiger – you will !! Enjoy, Explore, have fun, be amazed…on our Jungle Jeep Safaris !!

Formalities / Notes:

  •  ID Proof: DL Number, PAN Card Number, Voter ID, Passport Number, Student ID etc.
  •  The Traveler has to carry the same ID Proof as submitted in this form, while visiting Corbett Jungle Tours.
  •  The Jeep will pickup & drop from/to the Resort/Hotel/Railway Station as specified by the Traveler. (Conditions Apply)
  •  Safari Charges are NON-REFUNDABLE.
  • All safaris and accommodations are subject to availability.
  • All last minute reservations (less then 31 days prior to arrival date) are payable within 48 hours after receiving a confirmed provisional reservation via e-mail.
  • As accommodation availability changes from day to day all enquiries about general availability are subject to change without notice. Accommodation/Safari availability is only guaranteed once you receive a provisional reservation confirmation. In order to secure your reservation/booking full pre-payment is required.
As the entire periphery of the Corbett Jungle Tours; falls under restricted and protected area, so official permission is required to visit the core area of the tiger territory. There are two kinds of official permits issued by the government for entering into any safari zone of the park. Day visit permit (for jeep/canter safari) and Permits for night stay inside the Government forest lodges The day visit permits are required by Indian nationals as well as foreigners for entering into any tourism zone in Corbett Jungle Tours. Accommodation inside the park is possible after obtaining night stay permit that are issued by issuing authorities of Government officials. Visitors can make booking for 01 night and maximum for 03 nights only.

Bijrani Tourism Zone is open from 15th October to 30th June every year.

Bijrani Zone – Entry is from Amdanda gate situated very close to Ramnagar town – 30 Jeeps are permitted every morning & evening and can be booked well in advance – this was a famous shooting block during the British Raj days and has across section of Jungle roads best suited for Jungle Jeep Safaris. This area has a healthy Tiger and wildife population and thus the chances of sighting are immense. Located on the eastern end of Corbett, Bijrani contains a wide variety of flora & fauna which includes Sal forests on the upper reaches and tropical moist, deciduous mixed forest in the valley and plain areas. The availability of water from perennial sources and also from man made water holes and the location of the extremely wide grasslands provide a strong prey base for the big cats and grazing for the herbivores.

Jhirna Tourism Zone is open throughout the year.

Jhirna Zone – located on the southern periphery of Corbett Tiger Reserve – 30 Jeeps are permitted every morning & evening and can be booked well in advance – the area consisted of many villages and was prime farming area – but being in close proximity to Corbett the crops were destroyed by wild animals – this made it one of the high man animal conflict zone for years. The Park authorities then managed to relocate these villages with its farming population to another area and the Jhirna zone was added to the Corbett Tiger Reserve. This particular area was transformed into grassland habitat which is excellent for bird watching but this also provides rich grazing for herbivores and wild Elephants. One can see abundant cheetal, sambhar and wild boar which makes this place attractive for Tiger sightings – there is also a good chance to see sloth bear and wild elephants which provide great sightings for the wild life enthusiasts.

Dhela Tourism Zone is open throughout the year

This is the newest and sixth eco-tourism zone that was opened for tourists in December 2014. Dhela Ecotourism zone remains open for tourists throughout the year.
This zone is extremely rich in flora and fauna. The zone spreads over 1,173 hectares, which has mixed forests of Sal, Rohini, Haldu, Bahera, Kusum vegetation, and tigers, leopards, Asiatic elephants, sloth bears and king cobras. The area is particularly rich in bird diversity.

Jungle Safari

The Dhela zone can be visited on a day safari, the permit for which can be reserved using the official website. The safari is done using the registered vehicles and a mandatory guide. Private vehicles are not allowed in this zone just like the other zones of CTR.

Chaurs (Grass Lands)

A vast Laldhang chaur is the main attraction of this zone. The grassland is often seen packed with elephants and deers. Several wild pigs and Neelgai can also be seen here. The area is also a very sought after place for visitors interested in grassland birds.
Sheesam, Dhak, Sisoo, and Khair are the most visible trees found in Corbett. A lot of other varieties are found around the park which contributes to the diversity of species. The only conifer found in the park is Chir Pine, and is seen on ridge tops like Chir Choti and declines in Gajar Sot. The higher reaches near Kanda shelters Banj Oak growing, which is a typical Himalayan species. Kanju (Holoptelia Integrifolia), Jamun (Syzygium Cumini) and Aamla (Emblica Officinalis) are seen growing in major areas. Other main types of trees in Corbett Park

  • Bel
  • Kusum
  • Mahua
  • Bakli

Durga Devi Tourism Zone is open from 15th November to 15th June every year.

Durga Devi Zone – located on the northeastern boundary of Corbett Park – 11 Jeeps are permitted every morning & evening and can be booked well in advance – the area consists of virgin Sal Forest and the meandering Ramganga river and its riverine forest and grasslands – making it very suitable for bird watching with many rare species of Raptors and forest birds. the track leads to the confluence of the Mandal & Ramgnaga rivers that provide the opportunity to see wild elephants all round the year and the undulating terrain provides excellent chances to see Leopard as well as Tiger. The Mandal range of Corbett tiger Reserve is very rich for species like lesser grey headed fishing eagle, crested laughing thrush, maroon oriole, black chinned yuhina, slaty blue flycatcher, little forktail and bar tailed tree creeper etc..

Corbett Landscape (Sitabani) area is open from 01 October to 30 June every year.

This buffer zone of Corbett area is a major part of the newly created Powalgarh Conservation Reserve, located on the Northern side of the Kosi river – based on the Tourism principles followed by Corbett Jungle Tours – entry is from 02 gates namely Bhandarpani & Powalgarh. This Sal, Mixed & Riverine Forest corridor is rich in all flora & fauna and recent camera trap surveys show a large population of Tigers and of course all other mammals. There is a temple located in the middle of the Forest dedicated to Goddess Sita Ji – this temple has a mythological meaning for Hindu devotees – natural warm water from a spring flows here – supposedly has some medicinal & healing qualities. A well conducted Jeep Safari with a knowledgeable driver is as rewarding for wildlife viewing as compared to a Jeep Safari to the other zones !!

Corbett Jungle Tours is home for many wonderful as well as endangered species of animals. The natural bounty and vast landscapes provide perfect habitat for wildlife here.
Royal Bengal Tiger, Asian Elephant, Spotted Deer, Barking Deer, Chital, Sambar Deer, Wild Boar, Black Faced Monkey, Rheus Monkey, Wild Pig and Jackal etc.

Peacock, Jungle Foul, White Bush Chat, Oriental Pied, Emerald Dove, Red Wattle Lapwing, the Asian Paradise Flycatcher, Rested Kingfisher, Indian Shirks, Indian Alpine Swift, Woodpecker, laughing Thrush, Vulture, Parakeet, kales Pheasant, Oriole, Common Grey Hornbill, Duck, Stork, Cormorant, Parrot, Indian Roller, Teal, Seagull etc.

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