Dhela Forest Zone

Go and discover your inner relationship with the wildlife

Corbett National Park Safari Safari and Night Stay Online Booking

Dhela FRH has a sprawling campus. It is located in the buffer area of Corbett Tiger Reserve that was added to it in 1991. The village of Dhela close to the FRH lends its name to it. Walking in the forest for birds watching is a delight anyone staying here can indulge in.
Sheesam, Dhak, Sisoo, and Khair are the most visible trees found in Corbett. A lot of other varieties are found around the park which contributes to the diversity of species. The only conifer found in the park is Chir Pine, and is seen on ridge tops like Chir Choti and declines in Gajar Sot. The higher reaches near Kanda shelters Banj Oak growing, which is a typical Himalayan species. Kanju (Holoptelia Integrifolia), Jamun (Syzygium Cumini) and Aamla (Emblica Officinalis) are seen growing in major areas. Other main types of trees in Corbett Park.

Open & Close Time

Dhela Eco-tourism zone remain open for tourists throughout the year.

How to Reach Dhela

The entry for Dhela zone is common with the Jhirna zone and is from Dhela gate which is located at a distance of approx. 15 kms from Ramnagar.

Corbett Jungle Tours is home for many wonderful as well as endangered species of animals. The natural bounty and vast landscapes provide perfect habitat for wildlife here.

Royal Bengal Tiger, Asian Elephant, Spotted Deer, Barking Deer, Chital, Sambar Deer, Wild Boar, Black Faced Monkey, Rheus Monkey, Wild Pig and Jackal etc.

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